What is your dealership doing to effectively and COMPLIANTLY onboard new employees? Don't forget some of these key things!
I didn't know.I didn’t know I would come to Hustle & Grind Con and be inspired to my core. I didn’t know I would come to Hustle & Grind Con and have a moment that would cause me to reevaluate my underlying message to my daughter. I didn’t know I would sit in the audience and cry again and again. I didn’t know I would be privileged to watch some of the most inspiring and amazing personalities…..in the automotive industry and out. I didn’t know I would be so changed. I didn’t know I would be privileged to witness the changing of others. Nothing happens by accident.One of my core beliefs is that nothing happens by accident. So it was no accident that I was fortunate enough to be in Orlando for this unique and unusual conference. It was no accident that I was there to be inspired—to be changed. There were so many times during this amazing two day conference that I found myself shaking my head in awe of what I was experiencing and what I was seeing happen around me. I saw people being inspired to dig deep and find their better selves and even now, as I’m writing, just the memory of it makes my eyes mist up. I was one of those people digging deep and while my own spiritual journey brings me unending learning and joy—it’s the witnessing of OTHERS changing that really reaches a place in my heart that can only be described as elation. Connection at the Hustle HouseSomething kind of extraordinary happened at Hustle & Grind Con and in the house. People were literally fired up—ready to learn—ready to advance themselves. They were asking
questions of others with more experience. I witnessed two sales associates, clearly highly trained, actually train another hungry sales associate. I watched and participated as a group of people from different areas of the country, in different roles within our industry interacted, connected, learned, taught, listened, and shared. And even more extraordinary, everyone was focused on growth—both personal and professional. Lux House #4 has still been chatting in our Facebook group message. I’ve been watching everyone’s videos and posts, and smiling as my housemates take to heart the messages received! No fires burning out from our house! I can only speak for myself, but I felt like I left Hustle & Grind Con 2018 with a new group of people I can call friends—not just professional connections. I’ve left conferences with new friends—one or two—not a whole group—and to me that is extraordinary! While I didn’t know how effected I would be by this unique and unusual conference, I am so grateful I was there to find out. Hustle & Grind Con 2018 changed me—those articles will come later, and some writings may be very well kept to my personal journal. So, THANKS, Shawn Hays, Glenn Lundy, & Dave Benson. I truly hope you three have taken a moment to breath in the beauty of what you have created. I can’t wait for next year! (I will be bringing a big box of tissues!) I am a big fan of Arbitration Agreements! Make sure YOU'RE agreement is well drafted and just as important, efficiently and effectively delivered. Review your Agreements now--a little time now might save a lot of time and $$$ in the future. ![]() It’s oil change day and as I rolled into Wilde Honda in Sarasota, bright and early—I had a smile on my face. Why? Well, one reason is that I am and always will be a Wilde Fan. Additionally, I knew I was going to see some people that I care about and that made me smile. Also, I knew I was probably going to get a few hugs—and hugs always make my heart happy. (Yes, I hug people—yes, I’m HR—I like to keep the “Human” in Human Resources.) As I pulled in, Melissa, my advisor approached me. While I know a lot of employees at Wilde Honda, Melissa is a new face. She greeted me with a warm and welcoming smile, iPad in hand and asked for my name so she could look up my appointment. I liked her immediately. Her manner was pleasant and she treated me as if she cared. Her smile was genuine—you know, one of those smiles that reaches the eyes. She created instant rapport with me, joking and laughing, while efficiently taking care of my service needs. Getting vehicle serviced can be an annoying task—but necessary. These days I’m so busy that it sometimes feels challenging to have to stop and take care of these mundane life tasks. Having someone like Melissa in the drive can make all the difference to my entire experience. Melissa seems to be a perfect fit for the extraordinary culture at Wilde Honda. CULTURE = WHAT IT IS LIKE TO WORK AROUND HERE |
AuthorSandy is an HR Professional dedicated to the Retail Automotive Industry. Archives
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